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Nearly There: The Story of Allweather’s 100 Year Journey


Allweather is nearly 100 years old! The countdown is on as we edge closer to 2025, when Allweather Roof officially celebrates 100 years in business. There’s something profound about businesses that stand the test of time, weaving through global turmoil, economic shifts, and technological tides to eventually count decades like most companies count quarterly profits. It is a tale woven with the dedication of employees, the trust of customers, and the innovative spirit of the times. As the cultural adage goes, “Not all heroes wear capes,” and sometimes, they wield hammers and nails instead. In the heart of the bustling industry, there exists a quiet giant, Allweather Roof, soon to notch its centennial on the business timeline.

The Foundations


To understand Allweather’s robust structure, we must journey back to its inception in the mid-twenties. Founded in 1925, by Louis Abrahamson, a Russian immigrant, the company epitomizes the American dream. Abrahamson tried runs at several different business types, as well as running for the Secretary of State in Minnesota before settling on commercial roofing as the perfect business idea. The early founders considered roofing a depression-proof business. 

Allweather Roof founder Bob Abramamson

In 1933, Bob Abramamson, left the Detroit auto-industry to join Allweather and slowly take over the business. Bob ran Allweather for about the next 30 years. In 1961, Chester Grossman, Bob’s son in law joined the company and began grooming to be the next generation leader. At the time, Allweather covered a wide territory of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and South Dakota targeting smaller towns with front to back sloped buildings usually with some type of tar roof. 


Chester eventually brought in partners to run the business as he diversified his own business holdings. In 1983, George Harriot was made General Manager, and began setting the groundwork for what Allweather is today. George hired current President, Ken Sorenson in sales, and soon Ken and another partner Dick Jez bought into the business and spread the responsibilities of the company management, paving the way for an ownership program that still exists today, though the names have changed. 

The Royal Flush


Up to the 1980’s, safety industry-wide was loose and informal. A going joke was that you were ‘fired before you hit the ground’. Safety relied on experience and common sense. The 90’s ushered in a new era of safety, and Allweather was quick to adapt and adopt more stringent measures. It required increasing levels of penalties and strict policies to turn around the old school safety culture. The company went from penalizing individuals with increasing levels of suspension, to what they coined ‘The Royal Flush’. The idea was that if a guy in a crew is working outside the warning line, and he is caught, not only is he suspended, but the whole crew is suspended. That turned things around and became the basis for Allweather’s high standards of safety. 

The Royal Flush

Today, Allweather is a market leader in safety standards, and takes the welfare of its crews and staff very seriously. 

A Culture of Communal Growth


At the heart of Allweather’s narrative are its people – the employees who’ve tirelessly worked to lay the company’s reputation, one solid roof at a time, and the customers who have become part of Allweather’s extended family.

Allweather has always been more than just a place of employment; it’s a community that values loyalty, hard work, and personal and professional growth. Employees aren’t just staff members; they’re part of the Allweather heritage, each having contributed to the company’s long tale of success in their own unique way. 

Allweather regularly sponsors programs that matter to its employees, including quite a few community sports programs and community outreach. 

The Extended Family of Clients


Just as important are the clients, many of whom have turned into generations of patrons. They are the custodians of the structures Allweather has sheltered from the elements, serving as a testament to the brand’s steadfast commitment to quality and superior service. In the reflection of their satisfaction, Allweather finds its purpose renewed – not just to lay roofs, but to protect legacies.


Preparing for the Pinnacle


The countdown to 100 isn’t just a moment to reminisce; it’s a milestone that showcases Allweather’s journey and the people who have walked alongside it. With events, celebrations, and a renewed commitment to community service, Allweather is poised to step into its hundredth year with the same fervor and vigor that set the basis for the company 100 years ago. 


Building a Future Legacy


Beyond the centennial, Allweather’s story is far from over. As it enters the new millennium, the company looks towards finding innovative ways to serve its community and contribute to a greener, more secure future. The legacy of Allweather is not just about the years it has witnessed but also the ones it will inherit.

Allweather’s saga is a shining example of how businesses can sail through the centuries, seamlessly combining past and present to craft a legacy that’s impervious to time. Whether you’re an employee, a customer, or an observer looking for inspiration, Allweather’s narrative is a blueprint for longevity, integrity, and unyielding commitment.

As we raise a metaphorical glass to bid Allweather a hearty congratulations on its upcoming milestone, we do so with the certainty that its story, much like its roofs, is one that’s built to last.


Roofing Solution for Minnesota Weather